hello fellow 2E-ians and visiters!
Jeremy in the house to revive this blog hahas
ok its not dead in the first place...
lalala 2E all the best for ur results man! ya get all As ok erm i tink i all F hahas... F for felicia... felicia is bad... Fahmi oso... but fahmi exception! whahahs! jk la
ok lets see EOY is coming. we are gg to part and say byebye. u think? NAH! we will still be 1! in our hearts la hahas. ass EOY sia wakakakas. oh ya Jane nice blogskin u made for 2E. but our class foto in the blogskin... im fat... lols! in case u sunno sec 1 start of year i was fat ok... lols
den this year so sad i not in class foto cos some BB thing damn la....
ok lets see.. im so bored u noe so posting is real fun! everyone u shld go out with mario and whack his head! wakakakkas! toot la he lols.
yay so fun! hey i tink by now our livejournal accounts all dead rite? hahas mine dead too so dont worry... but i recently posted one short one... hahas.
Karen! u btr faster come back singapore i tell u! i giv u till next yr June lik eu said... but by next year june u stil nvr come back i call police say u missing ah! den they come catch u in America! wahhahahs no la joking... hahas ur sis so cute. sabella... o.O
ok i shall go now... bye 2E people! :D